Angels and our Animal Cops

By Jeff Geissler, Communications Assistant

As I write this, two small Yorkies in the Pittsburgh area are living in an empty house, not sure when their caregivers will show up again.

Neighbors say the owners occasionally stop by – maybe once a day, or once every three days

A very concerned neighbor called our Humane Investigation department, prompting Officer Hecker and Officer Fredley to investigate the scene

“Dogs shouldn’t  be living like that,” the neighbor said with a puff of smoke underneath a green hat with MARINES written across the top. “They need to go for walks. They need to socialize. They need to play. They need to go to the bathroom,” he said, concerned.

As per the law, the officers could not confiscate the home-alone dogs immediately. But, the next steps in their landlord/tenant dispute are already in motion with the courts. The investigation continues, with check-backs planned. Those dogs will not suffer.

Angels in the mix?

This neighbor acted when he saw injustice. 

Let’s face it. Too many of us sit back and turn a blind eye when we see wrong doing.

However, some take action.

A normal everyday guy with oversized khakis and worn out sneakers decided to make the world a little bit better. Maybe not for all of us, but at least for those helpless little dogs.

So I go to bed tonight knowing that this angel, and many like him, are out there. None of us are perfect, and we live in a very imperfect world.

But some are making our community a little less imperfect.

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