Animal Friends’ Golden Age Retriever Program matches Seniors with Senior Pets

Animal Friends’ unique Golden Age Retriever adoption program matches our mature neighbors with senior pets. The adopted animals thrive in responsible homes while the senior adopters benefit from the increased activity and companionship that accompany pet ownership. Golden Age Adopters (age 60 and over) benefit from discounted adoptions.
We request the following donations from adopters 60 and over:

  • Kittens 20 weeks or under: $50.00
  • Cats over 20 weeks: $25.00
  • Dogs 3 years and older: $25.00
  • Rabbits 4 years and older: $25.00
  • Puppies 20 weeks or under: $100.00 (no discount)
  • Dogs 20 weeks to 3 years: $75.00 (no discount)
  • Rabbits under 4 years: $60 (no discount)

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