Animal Friends University Cancellation Policy

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, check our homepage for class cancellation announcements. If a class or event must be cancelled due to inclement weather, all registered students will be notified in advance and a full refund will be issued.

Insufficient Enrollment

Animal Friends reserve the right to cancel any class due to insufficient enrollment. If a class or event must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, all registered students will be notified in advance and a full refund will be issued.

Student Cancellation

If you have registered for a class and are unable to attend, you must notify us no later than 3 business days prior to the class in order to receive a refund. This will give Animal Friends time to notify individuals from the waiting list or to reopen registration.

If you have questions about class cancellations, contact our Animal Friends University team.

Email   |  412.847.7035