Fospice Sponsorship Program

Animal Friends is pleased to offer a very special foster program specifically designed for our residents who would benefit from a hospice care setting.  Foster + Hospice = our “Fospice” program.  

We are proud to provide end-of-life care for many of our more senior or medically fragile residents, who may not have much time left to spend with us.  These animals may have incurable illnesses, life threatening conditions or may be suffering from age-related issues that make it challenging to find them adoptive homes. Instead, our Foster Department matches them with “fospice families” who are able to provide our animals with all of the love and care they deserve, without worrying about the cost of their care. While fostering is usually considered a short-term commitment, these residents become almost “permanent” additions to their new households, under the direct care of Animal Friends, and are able to spend their golden years receiving high quality care.  

We hope that you will consider sponsoring the care of our hospice residents. If you are interested in learning more about our current hospice residents, please check out our amazing animals in Fospice care below!  Please consider donating to our “Fospice Fund” to help animals like the ones shown below!  

Interested in Becoming a Fospice Foster?

If you’re interested in learning how you may be able to foster for our hospice program, please check out our foster page here for more information on becoming a foster parent. As always, medical care and supplies are provided free of charge to all of our trained fosters.   

Tater Tot
Meet Tater Tot! This sweet girl came to us after being found by a good Samaritan in the parking lot of a McDonalds. She was very thin, weighing only 5lbs when she first arrived!  Due to her age and her being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism shortly after arriving, Miss TT was made a hospice foster. Tater Tot also recently underwent surgery to have her eye removed, so that she could be a bit more comfortable. Her foster mama has not had her very long, but says she is a sweet and petite young lady who takes lots of naps! Because of her health conditions, Tater Tot will remain in her foster home for the rest of her life as a “forever foster”.

When Tabitha first came to us she was found as a Stray. She is a playful girl even at her old age, loving to play with toys and sniffing mats. She loves to sniff and dig just like most other dogs do, even burying her own bone into her dog bed. She loves attention and giving a good tail wag every once in a while. She has out lived expectations because she is able to live in a stress free, loving environment. One picture is of her waiting at the door for her dad to come in. Her super power is having one ear pointing up and one that has a mind of it’s own. Tabitha has Lipoma or Mast Cell Tumors, this causes her to be on medication and a special diet for the remainder of her life. She is still going strong at 10 years young, and will remain in foster care receiving the best possible care for her condition.

Meow! This is Sassy! And yes, this girl does live up to her name! Especially when it comes to food – she will sass you til you feed her!  Sassy became a hospice kitty after she was diagnosed with IBD/ possible lymphoma and extreme anemia. She also has some hip issues, so she is on medication as well as a prescription diet that is closely monitored. She doesn’t let her hip issues slow her down though! She can chase feathers on a string with the best of them. She can’t climb trees, but with some help, the placing of the tree next to the couch…. she can enjoy the view from the top!   She doesn’t like to be picked up due to her tummy and hip issues, but she is a lap cat. Once you sit down, she loves to curl up on her foster mom and purr!  She’s a groomer, she keeps herself clean, and makes sure her foster mom is too! She’s learning puzzles too, she loves finding her treat, even if it’s just her dry food. Because of her various health conditions, Sassy will remain in her foster home for the rest of her life as a “forever foster”.

Meet Oscar! Oscar is a wonderful 14-year-old Orange Tabby who came to us in September of 2022 when his owner could no longer care for him.  He was very sociable and active when he came to us. His best feature??? He’s a tripod! He only has 3 legs. He is a sweet, affectionate and easy-going boy, who will sit with you so you can pet him and get some kisses in return.  Oscar’s favorite things are being petted while sitting on your lap, crispy cat treats, his scratching pad and laying in the sun. Even though he is a senior he still kicks around a cat toy now and then and plays with string toys with the kids. Despite his 3 legs, he always has a pep in his step, and is a happy guy. Oscar was diagnosed with cancer however in October of 2022, and was therefore made a permanent hospice foster. His foster family loves him, and says he is just the best kitty!

David Bowie
Meet David Bowie. This spunky boy is still going strong at 13 years old. He’s a total love bug who just loves to sleep on your lap. David Bowie came to us in June of 2022 when his previous owners were no longer able to take care of him, due to having too many cats in the home.  He is the sweetest cat who is extremely affectionate, loves attention and will cuddle on your lap all day long. His adventurous side gets the best of him though, as he had a couple cases of trying to run out the door in his foster home. David Bowie was discovered to have inflammatory bowel disease/possible lymphoma. David lives the rest of his life peacefully with his loving foster home, where he will remain as a forever foster!

Say Hello to sweet Kenny. Kenny is 10 years young and came to us when his owner went to a nursing home. We discovered not long after his arrival that he had a heart murmur, but that was the least of his problems. We realized that he wasn’t eating during his time at the shelter. After some tests, we discovered that he had chronic renal failure. He was put in a hospice foster a few days later. He hid his foster mom’s bed for 2 days until he began to relax and realized her house was a safe place.  He eats 3 cans of Friskies a day and runs around the house with more energy than a kitten. But he also loves to spend plenty of time sitting in his foster’s lap. He receives the best care by receiving a special diet, and fluids given to him every day. He will remain in foster care for the rest of his life, where he can live comfortably.

Meet Quinoa or Old Lady Edna as her foster lovingly calls her! She is an elderly 20-year-old kitty who came to us in July of 2022 as part of a Humane Investigations case. She came to us ravenous, and very thin. Despite her condition, she remains a sweet old lady who loved all the attention and being picked up and held. She has claimed the spot between her fosters legs at night and follows her upstairs to claim her spot every night. She has one official job – if her foster is late for her afternoon feeding, her job is to come to her desk and she gently paws at her face to remind her. She waddles and because of her physique, she looks like a little ground hog. But she loves to sit on anybody’s lap and be petted. In the same month that Quinoa was rescued, it was discovered that she had anemia and early signs of kidney disease. Due to her age, and medical issues, we decided it would be best to make her a hospice cat. While she was in foster, she developed soft tissue sarcoma on her tail, and had to have her tail amputated, she remained in high spirits throughout all of this. She remains in foster permanently, where she receives her medication, and gets pampered by her devoted foster mom!

Meet Precious. Precious is just as her name suggests – a very sweet and loveable lady. This 13-year-old girl has IBD/lymphoma which can cause her to have GI issues, however with some medication as well as a special diet, her condition has been well managed. This gal LOVES to eat her special diet food, play, and spend her time getting brushed and receiving pets. Precious is a permanent foster and will spend the rest of her days receiving all the love and care she deserves from her doting foster parents! 

Meet Klaus! Klaus is 15 years old and came to us as a transfer from a partner organization. He is very friendly and very vocal, and he doesn’t let his age defy him when it comes to how he socializes. His favorite treats are Party Mix, and his favorite toys are teaser wands. Klaus is part of our hospice program because he has FIV, Degenerative Joint Disease, and a grade 2 heart murmur. Despite all of this, he just wants to spend time with you and cuddle with you all day long.