Through our pet therapy program, Therapets, we are impacting tens of thousands of lives each year with the healing power of animals. Each of our pet therapy teams undergoes special training and certification to ensure they are a good fit for the program. Accompanied by their human handlers, these dogs, cats and rabbits visit hospitals, specialized care facilities, college campuses and other locations throughout our region.

What is Pet Therapy?

Not to be confused with service or emotional support animals, a therapy animal is any companion animal who has undergone training and certification to provide comfort and affectionate support to someone other than their owner.

Animal Friends Pet Assisted Literacy Services (PALS)

Our Pet-Assisted Literacy Services (PALS) build confidence and promote a love of reading through the animal-human bond. By enjoying books that have been selected and approved as aligning with Animal Friends’ vision of a humane and compassionate future for every animal friend, participants will develop reading skills by reading aloud to our PALS trained Therapets teams. Learn more about our PALS program here.

Therapets Certification Class Request a Therapets Visit

Do you think your pet would make a good Therapet? Contact our Therapeutic Services Coordinator for more information about becoming a Therapets volunteer or for more information about our pet therapy program.

Email   |  412.847.7030