Feral or community cats are the same species as our feline family members. But, they have been raised without human contact. These cats still rely on human caregivers for proper food and shelter, but they would rather not interact with people. Because they prefer a life outdoors, most feral cats will likely never become indoor pets.

Animal Friends is committed to the humane reduction of community cat populations through Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return (TNVR). The cats are humanely trapped and brought to the clinic for spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, flea treatment, an ear tip and other needed treatments and returned to their community.

Simply put, TNVR is the most effective method of reducing community cat populations. Through our TNVR efforts we can ensure the health of our outdoor feline friends and the health of the community while also curbing nuisance behaviors such as spraying and yowling. 

What Animal Friends cannot offer:

  • Trapping cats
  • Returning cats to their colonies

What Animal Friends can offer:

  • Trap rentals
  • Scheduling appointments for spay/neuter and vaccines
  • Information, resources, advice and education on how to trap

TNVR Package

We’re proud to offer a special surgery package for feral cats through our Low-Cost Spay/Neuter program. For $75, the package includes a spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, flea/parasite treatment and an ear tip so that the cat can be identified once they’re returned to their colony.

To schedule a spay/neuter appointment for a feral or community cat, please contact our Clinic Services team.

Email   |  412.847.7004

Humane box traps can be rented from our Clinic Services team for a refundable $65 deposit – once the trap is returned, we will gladly refund your deposit. Trap rentals are by appointment only and are reserved for clients who are scheduling a spay/neuter procedure through Animal Friends’ low-cost spay/neuter clinic. Traps must be returned in full working order. Call 412.847.7004 for more information or to set up your trap rental.

Tips for Trapping Tricky Cats

More resources on community cats: