feral cats

Dec 24 2015

On the 10th (11th, 12th and one for good measure!) day of Christmas, Animal Friends gave to Icarus, Igor, Idris and Irina four spay/neuter surgeries!These young cats were brought to Animal Friends through our Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) Program. The TNR Program is a …

Posted in 12 spay (and neuters!) of christmas, cats, donate, feral cats

Jules the Cat: A Rescue Story

Aug 01 2012

By Jeff Geissler, Communications Assistant   For a feral cat colony caretaker, a routine case of TNR – Trap, Neuter and Release – turned into a lifesaving mission. Sarah McKean, a board member at Animal Friends, cares for two feral …

Posted in By Jeff Geissler, cat, feral cats, jules, rescue, TNR

Volunteer Nancy Barylak: A Friend to Feral Cats

Jun 29 2012

By Siri Espy  Many busy people manage to squeeze in some time to volunteer. But talking to Nancy Barylak, it’s hard to imagine how she fits the rest of her life around her volunteering.   Nancy has an unparalleled passion for …

Posted in By Siri Espy, cats, feral cats, nancy barylak, TNR, volunteer

Trap, Neuter and Return program has returned!

Apr 27 2012

Photo by Harry Giglio  Attention all Swissvale residents!  Animal Friends will be holding its annual Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) program for feral and stray cats in your area.  Everyone is welcome to attend an informational meeting on May 9th, …

Posted in feral cats, feral resource, swissvale, TNR

Feral Q&A: Tamed Ferals?

Apr 18 2012

Q. I am feeding a colony feral cats and would like to try to tame the cats. Is this a good idea? A. This is a common question that arises when we talk about Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR). Because they …

Posted in feral cats, feral resource, q and a, tame feral

Feral Q&A: TNR

Apr 18 2012

Q.  I know Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) is supposed to be humane, but I worry about feral cats when they’re returned to the wild. How do they survive? A. Understand that feral cats don’t thrive in the same situations that pets do. …

Posted in feral cats, feral resource, q and a, TNR

Feral Q&A: Cat Prints

Apr 18 2012

Q. I’ve noticed cat prints in the snow in my back yard. What should I do? A. It could be that a neighborhood cat is just taking a stroll, but more than likely, as is the case across the country, …

Posted in feral cats, feral resource, q and a