pet food

Chow Wagon Reaches 200,000 Pounds Delivered!

Dec 04 2014

The Animal Friends’ Chow Wagon has passed the 200,000 lb. mark in donations of pet food and treats to 23 food pantries and one Meals on Wheels’ group! Animal Friends’ goal is to constantly expand the assistance we give to …

Posted in Chow Wagon, donation, donations, food, pet food

Petagogy Blog: Pet Foods for All Ages and Stages

Jun 30 2014

By the Staff at Petagogy I have a 10-pound miniature poodle puppy and a 60-pound lab that’s 5 years old. Can I feed them the same food? My cat just turned 9. Do I need to switch him to a senior …

Posted in by petagogy, choose a food, food, healthy, pet food

University of Pittsburgh’s Pitt’s People for Pets Donate to Animal Friends’ Chow Wagon

Jan 22 2014

When families fall on hard financial times, finding the means to provide for every family member, two- and four-legged, can be difficult.  Many times, pets are returned to shelters or cannot stay with their families because of financial difficulties.  Since …

Posted in Chow Wagon, donate, donation, food, pet food, pitt's people for pets

Understanding Your Pet’s Food: How to Read a Pet Food Label

Oct 30 2013

By the staff at Petagogy Walk into any pet supply store and you will see aisles of pet foods with eye-catching packaging showing fruits, veggies and quality proteins. Just like how you can’t judge a book by its cover, don’t …

Posted in by petagogy, food, healthy pet food, how to read labels, labels, pet food

What’s the Deal with Chicken Meal?

Jul 22 2013

By the staff at Petagogy     At Petagogy, we only carry foods that we’d be comfortable feeding to our own pets. While there are some ingredients that are strict no-no’s, such as corn and by-products, the foods we carry have …

Posted in by petagogy, food, kibble, pet food, petagogy

Food Intolerances and Allergies

Aug 03 2012

By the staff at Petagogy Folks come into our store everyday complaining that their pets are suffering from any number of maladies: constant itching and scratching, frequent ear infections, poor coat quality, loose stool, chronic gas, or red bumps on …

Posted in healthy pet food, pet food, petagogy

Pet Food Ingredients 101

Jul 06 2012

By the staff at PetagogyWhen choosing a pet food, the most important thing to do is to read the ingredients list. Quality and nutritious foods for both dogs and cats should have a named animal protein (like chicken, salmon, or …

Posted in pet food, petagogy

Eliminate Your Pet’s Allergies with a Healthy Diet

May 09 2012

By Toni Shelaske, Healthy Pet Products Many people suffer from allergies, but few realize that our pets can have allergies too. We at Healthy Pet Products get questions about pets’ allergies almost every day. Most allergies stem from either food …

Posted in allergies, animal welfare, feeding, guest bloggers, healthy pet products, pet food, pet tips

Dry vs. Canned: The Basics of Feline Feeding

May 07 2012

By the staff at Petagogy Many people feed their cats dry food, and it’s easy to understand why: it’s simple, clean and convenient. You can just plunk down a bowl of kitty kibble and let your cats eat as they …

Posted in cat, cat tips, feeding, pet food, petagogy