Animal Friends’ Chow Wagon Needs Your Cat Food Donations

Animal Friends’ Chow Wagon was born 5 years ago to provide assistance to people and their pets. By partnering with local food banks, Animal Friends has been able to serve between 1,500 and 2,000 clients with monthly deliveries of food and treats. We understand that feeding a family during financial hardship can be difficult and that 2-legged family members are not the only ones who suffer.

We are currently running low on cat food.  If you can help needy pets this holiday season, please bring bags or cans of dry or wet cat food to Animal Friends at 562 Camp Horne Road.  Donations of other pet food and treats are always needed and welcomed as well but the need for cat food is great this month.

The Chow Wagon enables people to keep their pets in their loving homes and in turn, strengthens our community as a whole.
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