Foraging Games

By Suzanne Denk, CSB-C, Dip.FBST, Animal Enrichment Specialist

With warmer weather finally here, there are easy foraging enrichment games you can play with your dog outdoors! Foraging and sniffing are both natural behaviors for dogs and the opportunity to use these behaviors can be very satisfying for them. The only supplies you will need are some treats and your dog’s sniffing nose. Try the games in your own yard, at the park, on a hike, on daily walks or indoors.

Sniffing Mat Stroll

  1. Place multiple sniffing mats, rolled dish towels or fleece squares out in the yard. Place treats in each item for your dog to discover.
  2. It will be a surprise for your dog to find that indoor puzzles are outdoors, too!

Trail of Treats

  1. Create a trail of treats for your dog to follow with their nose. For them to understand they are following their nose, the treats can initially be placed close together so they can see the treats.
  2. Once your dog is familiar with the game and using their nose, space the treats farther apart.
  3. The trail can twist or loop back on itself for added fun.

Hide and Seek

  1. Hide small piles of treats in a single location or multiple spots for your dog to find.
  2. Lead your dog to the pile of treats the first couple of sessions so they understand there are treats somewhere in the space.

Scatter it

  1. Toss the treats to scatter all over the floor or yard.
  2. Treats in the grass or in leaves are more of a challenge!
  3. Scattering treats is an easy activity to do on a walk.
  4. Searching for scattered treats is a good break between physical activities.

Preparing a few simple steps before a walk outside can provide your dog with an enriching activity that uses their senses, stimulates the mind and fulfills the instinct to forage. For more enrichment ideas, visit

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